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The three adjustability’s in the R11 are –
?? Flight Control Technology – This enables you to increase or decrease this launch angle.
?? Adjustable Sole Plate – By altering the sole plate up or down (which is really simple with that torque wrench) it is possible to adjust the face angle. This means you may well select an open, closed down or neutral face approach.
?? Movable Weight Technology – This allows you to adjust the centre of gravity which will promote a fade or even draw. All of these adjustments can be made inside of minutes to tune the driver on the user’s individual swing which has a single torque wrench.
The blend of these three technologies provides Taylormade R11 owner close to 48 combinations of loft, face angle and drawfade prejudice to play with. What this means is the driver can be tailored to fix every golfers needs.
Both correct and left handed is available Morgan Rielly North America Jersey , of course, and there is the option of 9 amount or 10. 5 level loft. The shaft material is Fujikura Blur 60 graphite using shaft flex options of regularseniorstiffx-stiff so something to accommodate everyone.
Most R11 driver owners report that they are achieving more distance but are much more impressed with the point that it is also really forgiving and accurate allowing them to hit the middle in the fairway, which has got to become a big positive.
The feel can be a dampened Ryan Murray North America Jersey , muted, soft feel with some spring in the face which disappoints a few golfers saying it feels dead whilst some are quite happy. There are also varying comments on the sound the driver makes on impact.
Also available can be a TP version for better advanced golfers and professionals with several more options in shafts.
The majority of golfers using the Taylormade R11 driver can be extremely happy with their get. Hitting longer and straighter moves has significantly improved their game. . The TaylorMade R11 drivers has three adjustments or even fine tuning features. This allows you to virtually have your custom custom built driver at a frac